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Here's a little interesting data about the ultimate buyer of all of these tech stocks which is the nasdaq right people that buy stocks in the nasdaq listen to this as of yesterd more than 45 percent of stocks on the nasdaq are now down fifty percent so basically one and two more than 22 percent of stocks on the nasdaq are down 75 so almost one in four and more than uh one in five and then more than five percent of stocks so one and twenty on the nasdaq are down 90 percent all right welcome back everybody to altcoin.
daily my name's austin we are right in the middle of one of the most severe financial market crashes in history in fact really the only comparisons would be the dot-com crash of 2000 as well as the housing crisis of 08. and just to read this specifically the only comparisons are october 2000 to octobe 2002 as well as november 2008 to april 2009 that's where we stand in global markets at the moment and if we look right her is 2000 right here is 2008 and righthere is where we are today 2022 this black line on top represents the nasdaq and
what do you notice well first off from 2000 to 2002 i mean we we fell down way lower in 2008 to 2009 we again fell way lower compared to where we are right now in 2022. so if everything would be equal most people would say we're almost there a little bit more to go and then time to go all in maybe maybe that's you know everybody make their own decisions do their own research nobody can see the future this could be nearing the bottom or maybe this could be just the beginning nobody.
can see the future now if you hold bitcoin if you're invested in crypto this video is for you we are going to go over specific alt coins that are still implementing that are still progressing what you need to know but first let's just finish with is this global recession almost over or do we have much more of a crash to come in this next clip and i hate to be so clip heavy but chamath as well as paul tudor jones such valuable minds in theinvesting space are both on record that this is a nasty time to be involved in.
the market you can't think of a worse macro environment than now paul tudor jones listen to this next clip from this morning this just happened a paul tudor jones flat out saying you don't want to own bonds you don't want to own stocks right now and what happens next in the market has everything to do with what the fed will do next watch this do you look at that poll and say to yourself that a recession is coming doyou say everything's on sale i gotta buy things do you say that i gotta short this market i mean what's the what i know you say you don't have a stride in view but you must be telling i mean.
Look, you don't want to own bonds or stocks to begin with because it's going to be a very very uh a very negative situation for either of those asset classes right now. You can't think of a worse macro environment for financial assets than where we are right now, and that's one of the reasons, and perhaps the most important reason.
differentiator between now and those other periods over the past 40 years is look at the level of overvaluation that we were both in rates as well as as as stocks so that's one reason why even with this tightening in financial conditions we still the fed still probably has to raise rates to get inflation under control heck we had cpi greater than 8 percent maybe it comes down to four percent this year maybe it comes down to three percent if they stay the course and stay tight it's very difficult to calibrate.
once it escapes like it has now that's the scary part for jay pal is the genie's out of the bottle uh and we've seen in the history when the genie has gotten out of the bottle it's really really hard to put it back in there um so no i wouldn't want to i wouldn't want to be in his seat right now all right so essentially what paul tudor jones is saying is the federal reserve right now is stuck between a rock and a hard place if they raise rates yes they taper inflation most likely yet they send the economy into recession if they don't raise rates then inflation goes crazy continues to go crazy all investors are watching the federal.
reserve's actions right now and let me just be very honest with you and most of you long-term subscribers you know this if traditional markets tank crypto will tank with it everything is correlated to everything else in the short term in 08 gold dipped along with the nasdaq along with stocks along with housing gold dipped along with everything else gold crashed but it was one of the first to recover now something to consider which most other channels aren't talking about it in our video top crypto ta expert why.
i just longed bitcoin in this discussion we talked about the dxy us dollar currency index that even though the us dollar is getting inflated away it's it's garbage essentially for retaining value if you compare the us dollar to a basket of the other top currencies around the world the yen the pound etc the us dollar is growing in purchasing power isgrowing in value when you compare it to those other nation state currencies so the us dollar is sort of the best garbage out of all the garbage looking historically in the.
last decade that the us dollar currency index reached this sort of peak that's when bitcoin has historically rallied that's when assets historically rally because the us dollar has more purchasing power relatively speaking and money capital flows into harder assets this discussion is linked below if you want to check it out and finally the last clip i do want to share with you from paul tudor jones from this morning is he is still bullish on bitcoin and crypto in the long term he just said don't own stocks he just said don't own.
Despite the fact that he is bullish on bonds right now, he is still bullish on crypto because of its long-term potential. Watch this artecle to reed why Paul Tudor Jones is still holding his crypto. Here's what I see: I see a generational divide and it's a digital divide, and unfortunately, joe, you and I are probably on the other side of it. I think we're both scrambling as fast as we can to understand it, and I see it all the time in our quad groups, I see it all the time in my kids' friends. If you look at the smartest and brightest minds coming out of colleges today, so many of them are bitcoiners.
crypto because of the intellectual capital just the sheer amount of intellectual capital that's going into that space the number one thing that's holding it back is the fact that you'r not going to get buy-ins from governments because they lose the ability to contro um the creation and the supply of money having said that in a world where we're starting to de-globalize and breaking down and actually probably going reverse that ability to have the borderless internet that ability to have to have a store of value outside of necessarily having your money to nominate whether it's in rubles or juan or dollars it becomes.
very attractive so i've got my modest allocation to crypto i have a trading position on top of that all right give me your thoughts on this down below my takeaway is paul tudor jones essentially saying hey this is not going to be easy it's not going to be a smooth road for crypto we're seeing that now choppy markets but cryptocurrency is inevitable this industry is only growing and paul tudor jones is still huddling like it now if you hold altcoins i do have three pieces of altcoin news i do want to share with you but real quick i do want to thank sponsor of the channel the ftx app they are one of the most respected.
exchanges they have fees up to 85 cheaper than competitors and they're literally trusted by millions of users if you wanna get up to a hundred dollars i should say earn up to a hundred dollars this is how you do it it start with downloading their app and usin promo code altcoin daily details link down below take advantage and moving forward first piece of altcoin news for al grand al grant has just become the first u.sblockchain sponsor of the fifa world cup so the proof of stake blockchain will.
assist fifa in developing a digital asset strategy along with providing an official wallet solution and why this matters is fifa is huge in fact if you're a part of our european audience tell us how big fifa is it's this deal announced on monday may 2nd will also see al grand become a regiona supporter in north america and europe for the 2022 fifa world cup to be held in qatar in november and december as.
well as al grand will be an official sponsor of the fifa women's world cup i australia and new zealand next year in 2023 if you like al grand you like this but let's keep moving next piece of quick news for litecoin confirmed litecoin's mweb privacy feature is locked in this was confirmed by charlie lee himself about 12 hours ago m webb m webb locked he said in emojis we do have the screenshot to prove it but what this means if you're a litecoin holder is hot off the press it's been officially.
confirmed that litecoin's m web privacy feature is locked in m web is an optional privacy feature that amongst other things allows the user to hide the amount of crypto being transferred and the crypto address itself so if you buy a cup of coffee with litecoin the cashier doesn't have to see your whole bank account right you can keep your financials private and still pay with crypto with litecoin this is a major development in the privacy space for a couple of reasons firstly litecoin is easily accessibl available on many exchanges allowing users ease of access when using the privacy feature so most people already.
own litecoin or have paypal or coinbase can easily get litecoin that's huge for their network effect and secondly because the privacy feature is optional it allows exchanges to opt out if regulation becomes an issue so they can opt out but you could still op in pretty cool for the space now i'm not sure when this exactly becomes active for you and.
me the average user but code wise it is locked in the code pretty cooland that is the artecle my name's austin like always see you tomorrow appreciate you.