crypto news todey

And this is where effectively longer term we will take power away from the data aggregators who've enjoyed thus far on first generation internet the spoils so that would be google and amazon and facebook as the consumer takes control of his and her data and especially in the healthcare arena we think there's going to be really interesting uh uh and creative solutions

 coming out of th um the convergence of blockchain technology and artificial intelligence and uh you know the the explosion in healthcare data that that we are seeing now uh now that we can sequence each genome for 500 so those are the three way and of course,

nfts belong in that world uh and the creator economy will be turbocharged creators being rewarded for uh their creations and uh you know fascinating in in the art and the music world to see how you know art pixels are are being sold and then pictures reconstituted but the the initial artist the original artist getting a royalty for all of that so it's pretty pretty interestingall right like the video like the video get this information out there because kathy wood is a heavily respected and successful investor in the traditional space and it's just cool to hear thismindset and by the way if you're looking,

for the cheapest place to buy cryptocurrency seriously literally zero fees check out sponsor of the channelthe ftx app we have a link down below and use our link and slash or use code altcoin daily and you receive a free coin every single time you trade at least 10 worth of crypto literally zerofees check it out link down below and finally last but not least i want to take a look at kathy wood's portfoliosee exactly what she holds but just as a reminder all of next week starting tuesday actually erin and i will be in bitcoin 2022 in miami the largest bitcoin conference of the year there is a discount code down below if you want tickets not too late come join us come hang with us but anyway how this affects you is all next week we will be,

releasing a series of interviews on this channel with a notable people in the crypto space so we still will be talking with you down in the comments section on twitter but just expect interviews to drop all next week but let's jump in what does kathy wood hold this is a 26.1 billion dollar portfolio a lot in manufacturing the majority in information and then healthcare and social assistance science and tech finance arts okay we get it and let's just look at the top holdings eight percent this is the highest weighted investment in her portfolio eight point one four percent tesla then teledoc health she did talk about crypto and health in that clip as you,

my notice anyway then number three coinbase is at 4.3 percent and uh zoom at number five 3.3 and then square and number seven they like crypto they hold crypto square at 3.2 percent now unfortunately this is not her crypto portfolio and i actually couldn't find that online so if you have a link let me know down below but this is the information we have publicly anyway that's the video my name is austin like always see you tomorrow but then interviews for the rest of the week see you then

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